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2021-10-8  ainex granding machine. 1 table length mm 1200 or more 2 table width mm 600 or more 3 permissible load on table kg 1000 or more 4 tslots on table nosx size in mm vendor to احصل على السعر

Granding technology

Granding Technology is a global Biometrics & RFID products and service provider by a top China-based teamاحصل على السعر

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2022-4-25  ainex granding machine vanveldhovenexpertise Grinding Machine, Grinding Machine Suppliers and, DAMAI 300 High quality Spice Grinding Machine This machine is a continuous احصل على السعر

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ainex granding machine; Double Disc Grinding C & B Machinery. These grinding machines are built for high production but also come in styles perfect for quick part change overs. The احصل على السعر

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A grinding machine often shortened to grinder is any of various power tools or machine tools used for grinding chat now grinding machine hertilin fluid ainex grinding machine drosky grinding احصل على السعر

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ainex granding machine VolPort Mining Machinery

2021-10-8  ainex granding machine. 1 table length mm 1200 or more 2 table width mm 600 or more 3 permissible load on table kg 1000 or more 4 tslots on table nosx size in mm vendor to specify 5 distance range from spindle face to table top without considering the rotary table mm minimum distance is 150 mm or less and maximum distance is 700 mm or more.احصل على السعر

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Fingeprint Access Control System-Granding

F09 Granding Fingeprint Time Attendance and Access Control System. The F09 is professional fingerprint access control system support 50 Time Zones, wired door bell connection, wiegand in and out, support to connect external reader, احصل على السعر

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Dynamic Face Detection, Facial Access Control, Metal

Granding Technology Co.,Ltd is a global Biometrics & RFID Security products and solution provider by a top China-based team. 0086-15201823916 . marketing@granding . English. Home; About Us. Factory Tour; Products. Time Attendance System. احصل على السعر

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About Us Granding Technology Co., Ltd.

Granding Technology is a global Biometrics & RFID products and service provider by a top China-based team. Granding established in 2004 year. Granding have been serving a lot of customers from all over the world since we founded. With combined core of Biometric technology and great integrated ability behind us, Granding believe that our companyاحصل على السعر

Attendance Management Software Granding

Powerful Web Based Biometric Face Fingerprint Time Attendance Management Software With Phone APP (BioTime 8.0) BioTime 8.0 is a powerful web-based time and attendance management software that provides a stable connection to standalone push communication devices by Ethernet/Wi-Fi/GPRS/3G andworking as a private cloud to over employee selfاحصل على السعر

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ainex granding machine; Double Disc Grinding C & B Machinery. These grinding machines are built for high production but also come in styles perfect for quick part change overs. The flexibility allows for this one machine to be your solution to grinding an array of different part sizes. A horizontal double disc grinder can also be set up forاحصل على السعر

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Biometric Access Control Granding

Reliable Supplier Eye Reader Access Control Face Recognition Time And Attendance With ID card reader and Built-in Li-battery Granding. Quick Details Place of Origin Shanghai, China Brand Name GRANDING Model Number FA2-H Type Face And Card Display 4.3 Inches TFT Screen Optional Function ID/Mifare,WIFI/3G (WCDMA) Built-in Li-Battery Yesاحصل على السعر

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ainex granding machine

2022-4-25  ainex granding machine vanveldhovenexpertise Grinding Machine, Grinding Machine Suppliers and, DAMAI 300 High quality Spice Grinding Machine This machine is a continuous feed operation, the appearance of luxury, structural precision, low noise, easy operation, and no dust, grinding, especially suitable for supermarkets and shopping malls Getاحصل على السعر

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Quiénes somos

2020-11-3  Política de Calidad y Mejora Continua. Fabricar y comercializar productos de la más alta calidad, adecuados a las necesidades de nuestros clientes, con resultados y precios competitivos. Granding International SA CV se compromete a mantener un SGC, aprobando los recursos necesarios para la Mejora Continua. Especialides Minerales Productosاحصل على السعر